Become a therapist with us! We are actively searching for dedicated members to join our team. Contact us today!

The Clarity Group is a highly selective opportunity offered to those clinicians seeking to partner with other mental health clinicians dedicated to excellence. Professionals given an invitation to join this executive network are often well established within the mental health arena, knowing what they consider to be their specializations, therapeutic approach and guiding principles to maintain a profound and restorative therapeutic experience to the clients they serve. Their work is proven in the field through a dedicated public following. The team is invested in growth, knowing the best outcomes are a direct result of collaboration; however, each clinician retains control of their own PLLC in order to invest and nurture their specialties in the direction the work requires them to go.

If you or someone you know could be the right fit for our group, please send us a cover letter describing what you would like from your private practice environment and a brief explanation of your current practice, along with your resume to Professionals currently considered for the Clarity Group are Licensed Professional Counselors, Licensed Social Workers, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners.


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